Friday, March 16, 2007

What Is The Purpose Of The Matzah Cover And Matzah Plate?

To understand the purpose of the Matzah Cover an Matzah plate, one must first think consider the meaning of Matzah.Matzah is the only type of bread which Jews can eat during Passover and it is made from Flour and water.

On the night that the Pharaoh let the children of Israel go , the children of Isreal had no time to bake their bread. They had to get out of Egypt as fast as they could before the pharaoh changed his mind, so they could not bake their bread.

If you know anything about bread then you know the result of not baking your bread, the yeast in the bread does not get an opportunity to rise. So here you have the Children of Israel fleeing Egypt in the broiling sun with the bread that has not risen

If you know anything about the broiling sun when it makes extended contact with bread then you would know that the bread slowly turned into flat unleavened bread. And as the Children of Israel had no other food they ate this flat unleavened bread.

Now fast forward many generations and all Jews celebrating Passover eat this Matzah. The Jews eat this Matzah in memory of all of those who ate the Matzah on their way out of Egypt thousands of years ago.

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